Thursday, January 29, 2009

adulthood and n64

Today was a good day. Finals, friends, sledding, and getting ready for the youth retreat this weekend. I also had a revelation today...I don't want to grow up. Everything I did today was something my mom hasn't done in 20 years. Singing badly along with rock music, trying to snowboard down the back hill, dancing with funny clothes and shoes on, laughing about playing stupid video games till my stomach hurt. Is there are way to keep all of that and still grow up? I worry about that all the time.

Also--anyone who has spoken to me in the past week or so has heard this a million times: I can't wait for summer! Despite the fact that my parents told me I had to work 30 hours per week, every day will be me and my best friends, running around in sundresses and flip flops, drinking lemonade and dancing to Starry-Eyed Surprise :)
As highly unrealistic as this sounds, it would be lovely.
I want summer now!