Monday, September 13, 2010

frisbee lesson from e. felt like an idiot girl with a weak wrist. not sure if he was annoyed or amused. ha.
more ot and a super chapel from dr. jonathon armstrong. old covenant is gone, new is in! we either know God or don't. it's that simple. it's not about being fluent in ancient hebrew or traveling the globe to preach the gospel. do you know God? it's that simple.

only eating when hungry, it's a new thing. fat one in the house. it sucks. big time.
homework for the next two weeks is done. bored? but content. this is exactly what i wanted. schwing!


  1. schwing? also, you are beautifulllll
    p.s. do your housemates read this blog?

  2. haha i don't know if they do or not...

