Sunday, August 29, 2010


haha remember that post in february where i bemoaned the choice ahead? well God sure chose for me! moody was his desire, but in washington state and not chicago. right now, couldn't be happier. but sinking suspicion that i don't really know what i'm missing in downtown chicago. pshh whatever.

i am a college student now. and i live in spokane, wa. that is 2500 miles from my home. but it's not home anymore? for the past 4 years i have realized that God made me without deep roots. leaving doesn't make me sad, and i don't miss it? well that's a lie i guess...i miss being known. every conversation with a new person a mbi must involve background. no one knows me. and that's a pretty new thing for me. the little things, like explaining who k and m and c and h and t's hard to go from late-night talks and adventures and total familiarity with h staring at the abbey road poster in my room ;) to having to explain who she is when i get a much-needed letter from her. i had to delete my facebook too. ha! i didn't think it would get in the way of homework, but whenever i turn on my computer it's there! and i log in and i don't want to but i did so i got rid of it. praise the lord!

you know what i like about spokane? there's coffee EVERYWHERE. but it's also my least favorite thing. i spend money almost every day on coffee. i need to rein that in somehow. ugh.

church #2 today! southside christian church. inside an old movie theater. focus on the outside, really friendly, but i wondered how much bible study goes on...i'm so so used to hbc and studying one book of the bible verse by verse for like a year. i mean, where else do churches spend 12 weeks on 1 corinthians 13?! i don't know where i'm going to find something like that, or if i will.

also this morning, bike riding into downtown with j! sunshine and the beautiful river and madeline's and a freaking delicious chocolate croissant. what the heck?! too much fun.

I'm in college

1 comment:

  1. ha you made me cry.. I MISS YOU SO MUCH. so much.
    i guess it's good you got rid of your fb and this is much better at keeping tabs anyways
