Tuesday, August 31, 2010

feels like rain today. already cold here. nora is a house of complaints when it comes to the weather. i'll try to stop, at least, i told myself i would.

church doctrines this morning. 3 hours but i could have gone for 9, no lie. i don't think it's because i don't know it (not that i know it all) but i could talk about this stuff forever. also: it's not hormones. i literally laughed and cried and felt a ton of joy all in that one class. maybe that's not a big deal. those who know me know that i cry every week in church, never fail. every week, every church. but haven't been this pumped about learning since MBC and TKM in 9th grade. maybe why atticus coffee & gifts is so appealing. could this transfer over into my study habits??

laundry day. thoughts are about as jumbled as the clothes in the dryer. pardon my cliche. hmmm, can't do an 'e' with an accent aigu with this formatting. what a shame.

first day of senior year for h, c, and s. hope they like it. i've texted to tell them but here's my advice:
-live it up
-share Christ with the kids you'll never see after june. you know, the ones i deleted on fb before deleting fb because i don't want to see their drunk pics from blooms, psu, udel, and wvu
-go on adventures
-run away from the security guards
-learn a little. kolman might be the only one worth learning from

gosh i love them. and i know for certain that c will never read this so i had to text him to tell him. nice thought though, that maybe he would read it. oh well.

Monday, August 30, 2010

ex nihilo

OT survey today
Genesis. beginnings.
God creates man in his own image. to be a manifestation of God's invisible qualities.
God speaks and creates everything out of nothing.

i respond with a mixture of awe and worry over my first paper for that class.

Borrowed a's bike today and when r & e tried to put air in the tires as a favor, they broke the tire? they're trying to fix it right now. love my life. but thankful for the guys next door.

free box seat (PLUS FIREWORKS) tickets to the spokane indians baseball game tonight. thanks e!

taking notes far ahead of what's due now. hopefully everyone will hate me for my free time come finals.

i miss my bicycle SO MUCH. but so thankful that a is letting me use hers. i sure hope it gets fixed asap. can you tell that i'm worried about that right now? cause i am. yep.


boys fixed bike tire good as new! praise the lord!
biked to the downtown library (3 miles each way) with h's letter as proof of address and forgot my id. i hate when people say this but: epic fail
anyway now i know where it is. cool!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

a small taste of my eclectic experiences thus far in spoakne, wa

above: a legit indian pow wow downtown. culture!

our house! noraaaaa


haha remember that post in february where i bemoaned the choice ahead? well God sure chose for me! moody was his desire, but in washington state and not chicago. right now, couldn't be happier. but sinking suspicion that i don't really know what i'm missing in downtown chicago. pshh whatever.

i am a college student now. and i live in spokane, wa. that is 2500 miles from my home. but it's not home anymore? for the past 4 years i have realized that God made me without deep roots. leaving doesn't make me sad, and i don't miss it? well that's a lie i guess...i miss being known. every conversation with a new person a mbi must involve background. no one knows me. and that's a pretty new thing for me. the little things, like explaining who k and m and c and h and t are...it's hard to go from late-night talks and adventures and total familiarity with h staring at the abbey road poster in my room ;) to having to explain who she is when i get a much-needed letter from her. i had to delete my facebook too. ha! i didn't think it would get in the way of homework, but whenever i turn on my computer it's there! and i log in and i don't want to but i did so i got rid of it. praise the lord!

you know what i like about spokane? there's coffee EVERYWHERE. but it's also my least favorite thing. i spend money almost every day on coffee. i need to rein that in somehow. ugh.

church #2 today! southside christian church. inside an old movie theater. focus on the outside, really friendly, but i wondered how much bible study goes on...i'm so so used to hbc and studying one book of the bible verse by verse for like a year. i mean, where else do churches spend 12 weeks on 1 corinthians 13?! i don't know where i'm going to find something like that, or if i will.

also this morning, bike riding into downtown with j! sunshine and the beautiful river and madeline's and a freaking delicious chocolate croissant. what the heck?! too much fun.

I'm in college