Saturday, March 21, 2009

innocence again?

Mama asked what I wanted for my 17th birthday today:

Well, I didn't tell her this, but I secretly want a time machine. I would then use said time machine to go and change my life by:

1) not quitting ballet
2) not quitting field hockey
3) taking piano lessons
4) staying in touch with devynne
5) living on a farm

I think I might be getting a bike and clothes
second best to a recaptured childhood I guess

layed out on the dead yellow post-winter grass in my front yard to analyze sonnet #130, my dog barked at another dog, and then hot-ish 19 year old neighbor boy came to get his dog and found me, sprawled on the dead yellow post-winter grass in soffees, phantom of the opera tshirt, aviators, and gross after working hair

hate my life sometimes

not in the mood for dinner, organizing the songs on mama's iPod
did I mention? not going home from church tomorrow...this musical is the worst thing since snuggies


  1. we'll have to go bicycling on every wednesday evening. although it would help if i had a dependable bike :]

  2. emily!
    ah blogging. attempt to recapture childhood... i might obtain some koolaid and silly putty =]

  3. ha i still play with silly putty like every day because it sits on my desk :)
    and em love the story of u on the grass - didn't see that before?

  4. yeah, added it a few hous post-incident
    I felt silllllyy
