Saturday, February 13, 2010

option #1
Liberty University
Major in English, Minor is TESOL/Missions
-party at the biggest christian school in the nation
-Tons of opportunity with new technology and land and stuff being donated to the school all the time

option #2
Moody Bible Institute
Double Major in Bible and TESOL
-right in the center of downtown Chicago!
-tuition free so I can go into ministry without debts!!!
-totally Bible-focused and 100% doctrinally sound

option #3
Gordon College
Major in English, Minor in TESOL/Missions
-beautiful new england campus
-totally literary-focused and really into the arts
-awesome student-led worship and organizations

what the heck?!?! how am I supposed to choose?!?!?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

what happens on the day when you wake up and you're all alone?